A Few Words About Us
We are all interwoven pieces of the thread that is the tapestry of our family history.
Today, staying connected and informed
is more important than ever. The Von
Pein/Fienning website has been created to share
our rich and vast family history, tracing our
German heritage from both nobility and members
of the peasant class.
We are fortunate
to have so many surviving documents and pictures
to share. While some of our known history dates
back to the 17th century, the main
focus of this website will be on the decedents
of John Heinrich and Katherine Marie Bode
Fienning, from Wissingen Germany (near
May we never forget who we
are and where we come from.
Here's a
few more things about our family
that you can check out and enjoy!
always just click on the image to
Download/View or Print the pdf file.